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Driving Range/Mini golf

Jester Park’s driving range is a PGA recognized practice facility with amenities allowing you to practice all facets of the game.

  • Irrigated Tee Boxes
  • Grass Moguls for All Types of Lies
  • Bunker to Hit Fairway Sand Shots
  • 5 Target Greens Defined by Sand Traps Reaching 200+ Yards
  • Practice Putting Green
  • Chipping area with its own Green and Bunker to Hit Sand Shots
  • Pitching area with Different Targets

Our facility offers complete full-swing improving opportunities. We have a full sized green with 30 yards of mowed fairway leading to the large undulated putting area and a bunker allowing you to practice in any situation you might find yourself in on the course.

Our Snack Shop provides many options for our customers:  Beverages, Ice Cream, Candy bars, and you can also order Fat Joe's Pizza from our Clubhouse.

Pricing-Prices reflect a 3% cash discount

Small/Warm Up (25 Balls) $3.50
Medium (50 Balls) $6.50
Large (100 Balls) $13.00
Extra Large(150 Balls)$19.50


*If you arrive at before 8:00 am please stop by the clubhouse for tokens. Beginning at 8 a.m. a staff member will arrive at the Practice Facility building to serve you.

Day Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Sunday Opens at 7:30 am until Sunset
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am until Sunset. Range will be close until 8:30 am for mowing
Friday and Saturday (we have lights)8:00 am – 9:45 pm Closest at Sunset after Labor Day.

*For more information and for off season hours please call the clubhouse: 515.999.2903